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26 February 2007
The Duke of York in Düsseldorf, Germany, 26 to 27 February 2007

The Duke of York is today visiting Düsseldorf in Germany to undertake a series of engagements including the Research & Development Conference at the GAP 15 Conference Centre where he will give a Keynote Speech and meet with conference attendees.

His Royal Highness will also hold a meeting with Minister Dr Jürgen Rüttgers, President of North Rhine Westphalia.His Royal Highness will also hold a meeting with Minister Dr Jürgen Rüttgers, President of North Rhine Westphalia.

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The Duke of York gives an interview to David Frost on Frost over world

The Duke of York gives an interview to David Frost on Frost over world

Frost over the World – For the last seven years Prince Andrew has been the UK’s ‘special representative for international trade and investment’. In this role he travels the world promoting British business.

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