Chancellor opens week of graduation ceremonies


NEWLY-trained teachers from the University of Huddersfield were given a mission by their Chancellor, HRH The Duke of York, KG, “Go forth and educate!” he told them at the close of their graduation ceremony.

“It is up to you to be the inspiration for young people,” he said.

The Duke was launching a week of graduation ceremonies at the University, the first time he had done so since being installed as Chancellor in July. Students from the University’s School of Education and Professional Development were the first to receive their awards, which included a wide range of degrees, certificates and teaching qualifications. Read More

Newcastle Awayday

Princess Eugenie meets children taking part in the PIE Project, Newcastle.

Princess Eugenie visited Newcastle on 9th October, 2015. Her Royal Highness visited Tyne View Primary School as part of the school’s Primary Inspiration through Enterprise (PIE) Project. The PIE Project, undertaken jointly by Tyne View and Walkergate Primary School, aims… Read More

Composing the [email protected] theme tune


On Monday night we were at [email protected] 4.0, the latest incarnation of the startup competition hosted by HRH The Duke of York in St. James’ Palace. As the winners of [email protected] 3.0, we weren’t competing this time – but we were asked to provide a theme tune.

Now, writing a piece for the monarchy is not to be taken lightly (we see ourselves as a modern-day Handel in this regard), so we got our composing hats on. We quickly settled on using our Electronic style (it was a tech crowd, after all). But we didn’t think the melodies were up to royal standards – so we used this as inspiration to improve our machine learning algorithms and totally rework the way Electronic melodies are created by our software. Read More