A garden party tea tent
© Buckingham Palace Press Office


With tea, cakes and a beautiful garden to stroll in, garden parties are among the most relaxed and informal Royal events.

Every summer, The Queen hosts at least three garden parties at Buckingham Palace, plus one at the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh. Over 30,000 people attend.
Every year, there is also a garden party for the Not Forgotten Association, a charity for war veterans of all ages, which is hosted by a member of the Royal Family.

Most years, The Queen gives an additional garden party to honour a large national organisation celebrating a special anniversary, such as the fiftieth anniversary of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme for young people.

Garden party invitations are sent out by the Lord Chamberlain on behalf of The Queen. All the arrangements are planned by the Lord Chamberlain’s Office.

Approximately 8,000 guests attend each garden party, which takes place between 4.00 and 6.00 pm.

Most people like to dress up for their special day. Gentlemen wear morning dress, lounge suits or uniform, while women wear afternoon dress, usually with hats. National dress can also be worn.

After the playing of the National Anthem, The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh, together with other members of the Royal Family, circulate among the guests.

Each takes a different route and random presentations are made so that everyone has an equal chance of speaking to The Queen and members of her family.

The Queen and other members of the Royal Family eventually arrive at the Royal tea tent, where they meet other guests. In both London and Edinburgh there are tea tents for other guests.

Individuals cannot apply for an invitation to a garden party directly.

Nominations are made through Lord Lieutenants, and organisations such as the Civil Service, Armed Services, Diplomatic Corps, charities and societies. 

Tea and other refreshments are served from long buffet tables. The quantities served are enormous.

At a typical garden party, around 27,000 cups of tea, 20,000 sandwiches and 20,000 slices of cake are consumed. Some 400 waiting staff are involved in the serving.

During the afternoon, two military bands take turns to play a selection of music.

At about 6pm, The Queen and other members of the Royal Family leave the garden, when the National Anthem is played to mark the end of the party.

Garden parties have been held at Buckingham Palace since the 1860s, when Queen Victoria instituted what were known as ‘breakfasts’ (though they took place in the afternoon).

In the 1950s the number of garden parties held at Buckingham Palace was increased from two to three a year. They took the place of presentation parties attended by debutantes.

A garden party at Buckingham Palace
© Press Association

In 1997 The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh hosted a garden party for couples sharing their Golden Wedding anniversary (50 years) with them.

In 1998 a special garden party celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the National Health Service. The guests were all serving, or part-serving, members of the Health Service.

In 2002 special garden parties held at Buckingham Palace and the Palace of Holyroodhouse included as guests individuals born on the day of The Queen’s Accession, 6 February 1952.