The Duke of York has been the UK’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment since 2001.
This website aims to explain His Royal Highness’s role as the UK’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, which he undertakes in addition to his other Royal duties. It includes information about key objectives, pictures and information about engagements, useful facts and figures about UK trade and investment worldwide and feedback from senior business figures.
The Duke of York in Vietnam
His Royal Highness meets Government leaders, British and Vietnamese business leaders, and members of the British community and Vietnamese public.
Interview with the BBC World Service
Listen to His Royal Highness discussing his role as Special Representative.
Andrew Cahn,
Chief Executive,
UK Trade and Investment
” Since taking on his role as the UK’s Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, His Royal Highness The Duke of York has brought valuable support and visibility at home and abroad to the UK’s activities in promoting international trade and encouraging inward investment.”