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Titles and succession
Titles and succession |
Royal TItles
The Prince of Wales
The current Prince of Wales is the 21st holder of the title in 700 years
© Mario Testino Members of the Royal Family have a number of formal titles to signify their special role, and often varying in different regions and countries. The Queen’s formal style and title vary slightly in each of her realms, taking into account the fact that she is Queen of different countries, and is Head of the Commonwealth. The current Prince of Wales is the 21st to hold the title, in a line which began in 1301, when Edward I formally created his son, later Edward II, Prince of Wales. The title is intended for the male heir apparent to the throne, but there is no automatic succession. The title is renewed only at the Sovereign’s pleasure. The style Princess Royal is usually given by the Sovereign to his or her eldest daughter. It is regarded as a style rather than a rank or title, as it is purely honorary, bearing no particular connotation of precedence. It was introduced by Charles I for his eldest daughter, Princess Mary, in the seventeenth century. |
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