Royal Insight contains news, stories and pictures from all the latest Royal visits and events.
In recent times The Queen and the Royal Family have spent Christmas at Sandringham, Her Majesty’s private residence in Norfolk.
There was a period of 24 years when the Royal Family spent Christmas at Windsor. In Christmas 1953, The Queen was in New Zealand.
December’s Focus celebrates Royal Christmases past and present.
Test your knowledge of Sandringham in our Quiz.
As usual, 5 readers’ questions are answered in Mailbox, and you can view pictures and reports of Royal visits in Gallery and Out and About.
The Queen visits Google Her Majesty meets ‘Googlers’ and learns more about their services ….
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The Countess of Wessex in Germany Her Royal Highness visits 5th battalion The Rifles ….
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Garden Parties The Royal family meet guests from all walks of life ….
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