Enter keywords:

The search functionality allows you to search for the presence of a word or words on a page in the site. For example:

  • royal family – will firstly return all pages that contain the word “royal” and “family”. It will then list all pages that contain “royal” or “family”.

It also allows you to use certain clauses to expand or restrict the search. For example:

  • royal AND family – will return all pages that contain both royal and family.
  • royal OR family – will return all pages that contain royal or family.
  • royal NEAR family – will return all pages that contain royal and family in order of their proximity to each other on the page.
  • “roy *” – will return all pages that contain words prefixed with “roy”, for example, “royal”,”royalty”.
  • “changing the guard” – will return pages containing the phrase “changing the guard”.

Note: the quotation marks are necessary in the last two examples. Neither the advanced or simple search are case sensitive.

The Queen
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Royal Insight
The Prince of Wales