The altar of the Chapel Royal, St. James’s Palace
©  Buckingham Palace Press Office

Services are held in the Chapel Royal every Sunday from the first Sunday in October to Easter Day inclusive, and in The Queen’s Chapel in Marlborough Road from Easter Sunday to the last Sunday in July inclusive. 

Services take place every Sunday at 8.30am and 11.15am

There are no Services until Sunday, 5th October, 2008


26th October – 23rd after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.15am  Sung Mattins  
Psalm 119  verses 145 – 152  page 510
Lessons:  Isaiah chapter 59 verses 9 – 20
St Luke chapter 14 verses 11 -24
Te Deum: The “Excellent” Service – Parsons
Jubilate: anon. (the “Lumley” partbooks c.1550)
Anthem: Tristis est anima mea – Lassus
Hymns 351, 416, 112
Preacher  The Reverend Brian Osborne, MA, BTh, Chaplain to The Queen
Alms:  The Camphill Family (Botton Village)

Tuesday 28th October – St Simon and St Jude, Apostles
12.30pm Holy Communion

October 5th St Mary’s Convent and Nursing Home, Chiswick
October 12th  St Christopher’s Hospice  
October 19th  Chapel Expenses
October 26th  The Camphill Family (Botton Village)
October 5th  The  Sub Dean
October 12th The Right Reverend Christopher Hill, BD, AKC, MTh, Bishop of Guildford and Clerk of the Closet
October 19th  The Rev Canon George Moffat, BD, MA
Rector of Bolton Abbey and Chaplain to The Queen
October 26th  The Rev. Brian Osborne, MA Dip Th, Chaplain to The Queen 

November 2nd Royal British Legion
November 9th Royal British Legion
November 16th Chapel Expenses
November 23rd The Children’s Society
November 30th St Melangells Church Ministry to the Sick
November 2nd The Right Reverend Nigel McCulloch, MA    Lord High Almoner
November 9th Chapel Royal at the Cenotaph
November 16th  The Reverend Canon William Matthews, MA
Vicar of Holy Trinity, Bradford on Avon and Chaplain to The Queen
November 23rd The Reverend Prebendary Pippa Thorneycroft, BA. Priest in Chrage of Sharehill and Essington, Wolverhampton and  Chaplain to The Queen
November 30th The Reverend Stephen Young, BD, AKC, Cert Ed, PhD,  Chaplain of Dulwich College and Priest in Ordinary 

2nd November, All Saints’ Day

8.30am Holy Communion
11.15am   Sung Eucharist
Introit  O quam gloriosum est regnum – Victoria
Setting Missa Brevissima – Swayne
Motet: Bow down thine ear – Beale
Epistle Revelation chapter 7 verses 2 – 12 page 233
Gospel St Matthew chapter 5 verses 1 – 12 page 235
Hymns 197 verses 1, 2, 4 5 & 8, 224, 231,276, 281
Preacher The Right Reverend Nigel McCulloch,  Bishop of Manchester Lord High Almoner
Alms:  Royal British Legion
Monday 3rd November  All Souls’ Day
12.30pm Holy Communion (There will be a list at the back of the Chapel for those wishing departed relatives or friends remembered at this service)

9th November, 25th Sunday after Trinity  
Remembrance Sunday
8.30am Holy Communion
11am The Chapel Royal is at the Cenotaph with Her Majesty The Queen.

16th November, 26th after Trinity
8.30am Holy Communion
11.15am  Sung Mattins  
Psalm 98   page 471
Lessons:  Daniel chapter 10 verses 19 – end
Revelation chapter 4
Te Deum: Collegium regale – Howells
Jubilate: Collegium regale – Howells
Anthem: Know you not – Tompkins
Hymns  393, 410, 394
Preacher  The Reverend Canon William Matthews,
MA Vicar of Holy Trinity, Bradford on Avon and Chaplain to The Queen
Alms  Chapel Expenses
23rd November, The Sunday next before Advent
8.30am Holy Communion
11.15am Sung Mattins
Psalm 29  page 378
Lessons:   Isaiah chapter 4 verse 2 – chapter 5 v. 7
St Luke chapter 19 verses 29 – 38
Te Deum  Festival Te Deum in E – Britten
Jubilate  Walton
Anthem: A Hymn to Saint Cecilia  –  Britten
Hymns 345, 499, 352
Preacher The Reverend  Prebendary Pippa Thorneycroft, BA,  Priest in Charge of Sharehill and Essington, Wolverhampton and  Chaplain to The Queen
Alms:  The Children’s Society

30th November 1st in Advent
8.30am Holy Communion
11.15am Sung Mattins
Psalm 44 verses 1 – 9  page 400
Lessons: Isaiah chapter 2 verses 1 – 5
St Luke chapter 12 verses 35 – 48
Te Deum  Elgar
Jubilate  Elgar
Anthem: A spotless rose – Howells
Hymns 5, 14, 9
Preacher  The Reverend  Dr Stephen Young
Chaplain of Dulwich College and Priest in Ordinary
Alms  St Melangells Church Ministry to the Sick

Monday 1st December St Andrew ( Apostle)  transferred
12.30pm Holy Communion
December 7th The  Reverend Richard Bolton, MA, Chaplain of Merchant Taylors’ School and Priest in Ordinary

December 14th Carol Services in the Queen’s Chapel
The Reverend Canon Michael Benton, BSc, MSoSc, FRSA  Chaplain to The Queen

December 21st   The Reverend Canon Andrew Wingate, BA,
M Phil, PhD, Director of Interfaith Relations, Co-ordinator of Lay Training and Canon Theologian of Leicester Cathedral and Chaplain to The Queen

December 25th The Sub Dean

December 28th The Reverend  Canon Gervase Murphy, LVO, MA  Extra Chaplain to The Queen

December 7th The Bible Lands Society
December 14th Crisis
December 21st The Pilsdon Community, Dorset
December 25th Shelter
December 28th St Luke’s Hospital for the Clergy

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