aisig restore, restoration
airgead le òradh silver gilt
aonadh nan Crùn the Union of the Crowns (1603)
Àrd-rùnaire a’ Cho-fhlaitheis the Commonwealth Secretary General
ballachan-aghaidh facades
Baran Rinn Friù Baron of Renfew
Bean-uasal Lady
bòid Dhìlseachd oath of allegiance
Buileachadh Onairean Investiture
bun-reachd constitution
Cathair-eaglais an Naoimh Phòil St. Paul’s Cathedral
Ceann Stàite Head of State
Ceàrnag Shomhairle Somerled Square, Portree
Clach Sgàin (Lia-fàil)  the Stone of Scone, of Destiny
Co-fhlaitheas Commonwealth
Còrdadh an Aonaidh the Settlement of Union (1707)
Crùnadh Coronation, crowning
dearbh-aithne identity
deas-ghnàth ceremony
deas-ghnàthach ceremonial
Diùc na Còrn Duke of Cornwall
Diùc Baile Bhòid Duke of Rothesay
Feachdan Armaichte Armed Forces
for-uinneag balcony
greadhnachas festivity, celebration
Iarla Charraig Earl of Carrick
lann blade
leantainneachd continuity
Loghan Jubilee
lùchairt palace
Lùchairt Taigh an Ròid Palace of Holyroodhouse
luchd-cobhair nam Beann the mountain rescue
an Luchd-teasairginn lifeboat crew members
marcachd horse riding
A Mhòrachd Rìoghail His Royal Highness
A Mòrachd Rìoghail Her Royal Highness
Monarcachd monarchy
Moraireachd na h-Alba Peerage of Scotland
Mòr-stiùbhard Great Steward
obair-ghrèis tapestry, embroidery
Oifigear-riaghlaidh Presiding Officer
oighre heir
oighreachail hereditary
Òrdugh a’ Chluarain Order of the Thistle
Monarcachd monarchy
Moraireachd na h-Alba Peerage of Scotland
Mòr-stiùbhard Great Steward
obair-ghrèis tapestry, embroidery
Oifigear-riaghlaidh Presiding Officer
oighre heir
oighreachail hereditary
Òrdugh a’ Chluarain Order of the Thistle
Òrdugh a’ Ghartain Order of the Garter
prìomh Reachdas primary legislation
reachdail constitutional
rìgh-chathair throne
riochdachadh representing
rìoghachadh reign, reigning
seanadh assembly
seasmhachd stability
seud jewel
Seudan na h-Alba the Honours of Scotland
slat-rìoghail sceptre
suaicheantasan Rìoghail Royal regalia
Tadhalaichean Stàite State visits
Tighearna nan Eilean Lord of the Isles
tosgairean ambassadors
uirsgeulach fictional

A’ Bhànrigh
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Diùc Baile Bhòid

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Diùc Baile Bhòid
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba