On this page, you will find information about the different types of rich media available on this website, and how to access them via your computer.



Podcasting is a way of subscribing to a series of video and/or audio content from a website.

Once you have signed up for the British Monarchy’s podcast, for example, the latest instalment will automatically become available for you to view or listen to on your computer. This can then be put onto your mp3 player if you wish.

All you need to sign up is an internet connection and a free piece of software. Follow our simple guide below to subscribe: 

1. Download your podcast software

There are various kinds of podcast software available. Some of the most popular are:

> iTunes
> Juice
> Doppler

Each of these web sites will tell you how to download their software. This software is usually free.

2. Subscribe to the British Monarchy podcast

If you are using iTunes, simply click on this link and the audio will automatically start downloading in the software.

If you are using an alternate piece of software, you will need to add the address of the podcast to your software. For the British Monarchy podcast, this is:

Simply copy and paste this into your podcast software where it says ‘Subscribe to a podcast’.

3. Listen to your podcasts

Now you are a subscriber to the British Monarchy podcast. When a new podcast becomes available, your podcast software will automatically download it.

You can then listen to the latest instalment on your computer, or download it onto your mp3 player.


With the exception of our podcast, the video and audio content on this web site is ‘streamed’. This means that it can be viewed or listened to on a computer, without being downloaded.

In order to access our video and audio clips, you will need to download either Windows Media or Real Player onto your computer. These are the applications in which the clips can be played.

Once one of these applications has been downloaded to your computer, you simply need to click on a link to one of our video or audio clips, and a pop up box will appear. Simply select the ‘Real Player’ or ‘Windows Media’ version and then press ‘play’.



Video and Audio downloads are files which, unlike streamed files, can be downloaded onto your computer and accessed when you wish. They can also be burnt onto CDs, sent to third parties and put onto an mp3 player.

To download a file follow these simple steps:
1. Click on the relevant link provided on the Audio and Video page.
2. Save the file to the desired location on your computer.
3. Open the file from this location and it will automatically start playing in your default media player.