Full visitor information, including details of facilities for disabled access, is available from the Estates Office.
The Estates Office Balmoral Estates Ballater Aberdeenshire AB35 5TB Telephone: 013397 42534 Fax: 013397 42034 E-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.balmoralcastle.com
Opening hours
Grounds, gardens and exhibtions are open on a daily basis from Saturday, 1 April until Monday, 31 July 2007, 10.00 am until 5.00 pm.
Visit the Balmoral Castle web site for more details.
Admission prices Adults £7.00 Seniors and students £6.00 Children (5-16 years) £3.00 Family Ticket £15.00 (2 adults and up to 4 children)