The Duke Visits Swindon to Support the Opening of UTC

The Duke of York visited the site of Swindon UTC, a University Technical College due to open in Swindon town centre on September 2014.

HRH, who is Patron of the Baker Dearing Trust – promoter of UTCs – visited Swindon UTC to meet the team of directors, teachers and supporters who are bringing the college into being. The Duke hosted a round table discussion with head teachers from nearby schools to develop a better understanding of how the UTC will fit into the local educational system, and to explore areas where the UTC and other schools can cooperate and share resources.

HRH then went to the site of a former railways works dating back to Brunel’s construction of the Great West Main Line though Swindon, to meet the construction team, parents and students who are signed up to start at the college in September.

Angela Barker-Dench, the UTC’s Principal, told the Swindon Advertiser: “This is another historic moment for UTC Swindon. HRH has a passion for engineering, manufacturing and apprenticeships, which really shone through today when he was meeting with everybody. It was fantastic to hear him talk about his core values and beliefs regarding skills in the workplace which coincide directly with what UTC Swindon will be doing.”

Students can apply for a place at UTC Swindon, which will cater for 600 students aged 14 to 19, by emailing [email protected] or by downloading the application form from For more information call UTC Swindon on 07990 601 516.

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