July 2014
On a sunny, shining and beautiful Monday morning on the 23rd of June City Academy Whitehawk’s…
July 2014
On Monday 16th June, Princess Beatrice of York visited The Isle of Wight in honour of HRH’s…
July 2014
On Thursday 3rd July 2014 The Duke of York and will.i.am visited the Digital Revolution exhibition…
June 2014
The Duke of York, Colonel in Chief, The Queen’s York Rangers (1st American Regiment) visited…
June 2014
The Duke’s second day in Lower Saxony began with an exploration of the shared history which…
May 2014
On Thursday 8th May 2014,our school, St Thomas CE vc Primary School, Huddersfield, received one of…
May 2014
The Duke was given a warm welcome at Kuwait International Airport by HE Sheikh Fawaz Khaled Al-…
May 2014
Guest post by David Rushby, Head teacher of St Thomas CE vc Primary school
May 2014
On Friday, 14th March, The Duke made a number of visits focused on education and skills for young…
May 2014
On 4th March 2014, The Duke visited Leeds to attend four engagements, primarily supporting…
April 2014
On Monday 31st March, The Duke launched iDEA – the inspiring Digital Enterprise Award – in…
April 2014
In March 2014 The Duke opened the new East London building for City Gateway, a charity dedicated to…
April 2014
Mia Hope, Year 12 student at Rye Studio School, shares her story about the iDEA launch:
April 2014
On the 7th April 2014, HRH The Duke of York attended the Society of Editors Regional Meeting to…
March 2014
The Duke of York is delighted that The Royal Household Careers Film was produced by students at…
March 2014
A competition to engage some of the UK’s brightest young computer programming talent in coding…
March 2014
On the morning of Wednesday 12 February 2014, I was given the truly amazing opportunity and…
February 2014
WorkingRite is a charity that successfully tackles youth unemployment by turning non-academic 16-18…
February 2014
The Duke visited Tollgate Primary School in Plaistow, a leading teaching school for East London
February 2014
The Duke of York visited the site of Swindon UTC, a University Technical College due to open in…
February 2014
As a forward-thinking charity delivering innovative programmes for disengaged young people from…
January 2014
The Duke became Patron of The University of Huddersfield in June 2013. In the same year the…
January 2014
In the summer of 2013, Principles in Finance were invited to the Backing Youth Reception held in…
January 2014
The Duke joined UTC founding father Lord Baker, as well as sponsors, employer partners and students…
January 2014
Three Hackney Community College students got a taste of what it would be like to work in the Royal…
January 2014
At the start of his official visit to Bahrain, The Duke of York was warmly received by Crown Prince…
December 2013
The Duke visited Resurgo Trust, a group of charities that help catalyse social transformation in…
December 2013
On Thursday 7 November, The Duke visited a project run by youth development charity Teens and…
December 2013
The Duke of York’s office endeavours to support young people through work experience…
December 2013
The first Duke of York Awards for Technical Education were hosted by His Royal Highness at…
December 2013
The Duke today congratulated graduating students at London Metropolitan University’s…
November 2013
The Duke of York is Patron of The Place and this year a new scholarship was established in his name…
September 2013
The Duke has sent his best wishes to the students and staff of 12 new University Techinical…
July 2013
The Duke met with the principals of the Gazelle Colleges in September 2012, Chief Executive Finton…
July 2013
The first Duke of York Awards for Technical Education will be awarded later this year at Buckingham…
July 2013
The Duke of York hosted a Backing Youth Reception at Buckingham Palace on 9th July, 2013 to raise…
July 2013
The Duke opened the Goldmine Centre, a social enterprise hub and the home of Walsall Studio School…
July 2013
The Duke visited Black Country University Technical College (BCUTC), one of the first UTCs to open…
July 2013
The Duke hosted a Prizegiving in Buckingham Palace for the first ever TeenTech Awards. The winning…
June 2013
The Duke of York visited the Peabody-owned Pembury Estate in Dalston on 11th June 2013, to help…
June 2013
The Duke of York attended the opening of the 75th European Association of Geoscientists and…
June 2013
The Duke of York today opened the new North Rail Terminal at The Port of Felixstowe, at a ceremony…
June 2013
The Duke of York has thrown his support behind the East London University Technical College (ELUTec…
June 2013
The Duke of York has sent a message of congratulation to the Studio Schools Trust
May 2013
The Duke today visited London Metropolitan University for the first time since he became Patron….
May 2013
The Duke of York visited The Open University (OU) in Milton Keynes on 23rd May, 2013, to greater…
May 2013
The Duke of York attended a working lunch with Captains of Industry at the Silverstone Circuit to…
May 2013
The Duke of York visited the Creative & Media Studio School in Huddersfield on 17 May. Nicole…
May 2013
Veterans of the Battle of Kohima were guests of The Duke of York at Buckingham Palace on 1st…
April 2013
Ian Ashman, Principal, reflects on the support that Hackney Community College has received from The…
March 2013
The Duke of York The Duke visited Kent Choices Live at the Kent Showground as part of HRH’s…
March 2013
The Duke of York visited Swale Skills Centre as part of HRH’s Away Day in Kent during National…
September 2012
Nick Barrett, Chief Executive of The Outward Bound Trust, reflects on The story of the Descent of…