Science and Engineering

The Duke of York believes that the United Kingdom is the best place in the world for Science and Engineering and maintaining this position is crucial for the UK’s long term prosperity.

The Duke is also of the opinion that it is crucially important to continue and extend the provision of high standard, engaging and exciting science and engineering education to young people in the UK.

What is The Duke of York supporting?

HRH aims to promote and raise awareness of British science, engineering and technology expertise. The Duke also engages with organisations to support initiatives which attract increased investment into UK science and technology, promote the further translation of science into business, and encourage and recognise world class scientists who undertake research in the UK. HRH has sustained engagement with the following:

The Royal Society

The Royal Society recognises, promotes, and supports excellence in science. It also looks to encourage the development and use of science for the benefit of humanity. The Duke is Patron of Sovereign Science and has hosted a number of events to recognise the important contribution of University Research Fellows (URFs) and Dorothy Hodgkin Fellows. In May 2013 HRH was elected as a Royal Fellow of the Society.

UK science and technology clusters

The UK is currently home to a number of excellent science clusters. The Duke has visited and engaged with the science clusters in East London, Cambridge, Oxford, Bristol and Northern Ireland. HRH is keen to help UK clusters continue to develop and explore areas where shared learning and synergies can be delivered.

Space Science and Technology

The Space Science and Technology industry is a fast growing industry in the UK. The Duke believes it is important the industry is well supported in order to attract additional investments and facilitate further growth.

Healthcare and Innovation

The UK is a world leader in Healthcare Services and there are significant opportunities to collaborate and leverage this expertise internationally. The Duke supports efforts to export and commercialise this skill-set.

To ensure the UK remains competitive in science, engineering and technology, HRH works with industry and education providers to support initiatives that encourage young people to continue with STEM subjects at school, college and university, and to consider a career in science and engineering.

TeenTech CIC

TeenTech CIC runs one day events across the UK to encourage young teenagers to understand the wide range of career possibilities in Science, Engineering and Technology. It is a not-for-profit organisation, which relies solely on the sponsorship and support of STEM companies and organisations. The Duke is Patron of TeenTech.

Code Club

Code Club is a nationwide network of voluntary after school coding clubs for children in years five and six. It is led by programming volunteers who run weekly hour long clubs at primary schools. The project uses Scratch software to teach children the basics of computer programming. Children learn to programme whilst creating fun exciting games with the whole scheme designed to encourage creativity and problem solving skills. HRH is Patron of Code Club, and encourages companies to consider encouraging their employees to volunteer to aid the running of these clubs in more primary schools.

Young Engineers

Young Engineers hope to inspire young people to develop an interest in engineering, and in doing so, recognise the importance and excitement of engineering as a future career. This is carried out through national competitions and a national club network. The Duke has been Patron of Young Engineers since 1994.

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