Royal Hospital Chelsea’s Founder’s Day Parade

One Company is inspected by HRH The Duke Of York, Captain of Invalides Rupert Lucas accompaniesThe Duke of York attended the 323rd annual Royal Hospital Chelsea’s Founder’s Day Parade on 4th June, 2015. The event commemorates King Charles II founding of the Royal Hospital Chelsea in 1681.

Opened in 1692, the Royal Hospital Chelsea offers a home and care to around 300 retired soldiers of the British Army during their advanced years.

HRH had the opportunity to speak with In-Pensioners and Infirmary Volunteers and saw collections of paintings and craftwork created by veterans living at the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

At the start of the Parade, the Légion d’Honneur was presented by the French Ambassador to 19 Chelsea Pensioners who served on D-Day and beyond for the liberation of France. The Légion d’Honneur is France’s highest distinction and is awarded in recognition of both military and civilian merit.

The Duke reviewed the Parade where the Chelsea Pensioners stood in four Companies for inspection in the Royal Hospital’s central courtyard. HRH met with members of The Not Forgotten Association, The Queen Alexandra Hospital Home, The Royal Star and Garter Home and The Royal Homes. HRH visited the Royal Hospital’s chapel where he met with the Chaplain, organist and organ scholar before signing the visitor’s book to mark his Founder’s Day visit.

Find out more about the Royal Hospital Chelsea and Chelsea Pensioners:

View photos of the visit here

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