HRH The Duke of York, KG visits Australia – Day 9

gold coast
Today The Duke of York travelled to the Gold Coast from Adelaide, visiting Bond University. Here HRH was received by the Chancellor, the Hon. Dr. Annabelle Bennet and the Vice Chancellor, Professor Tim Brailsford.

The Duke was taken on a tour of the Law School and visited the Moot Courts, an e-courtroom which replicates the latest technology used in Australian Courts. The courtroom is fully equipped with electronic evidence management systems, video conferencing facilities, wireless networking and video streaming.

HRH then visited the Transformer in the Business School, Australia’s first program aimed at teaching big picture thinning, creative problem solving and evidence-based decision making so that you can make a real difference in the community, your own business or an existing one.

Afterwards, The Duke met with the [email protected] On Tour Gold Coast Entrepreneurs whilst they were preparing for [email protected] Australia On Tour Gold Coast.

That afternoon, HRH attended the final On Tour event of [email protected] Australia 2.0. Here 16 Entrepreneurs pitched their businesses to an influential audience, and nine were selected to attend [email protected] Boot Camp and [email protected] Australia 2.0 in Brisbane on Friday 30th November.

Speaking at the event, The Duke of York said “Thank you for coming to [email protected] Australia On Tour Gold Coast for the second time, it is a great pleasure to be here today.

“Right now the Audience is more important then the Entrepreneurs. The reason being is that you are in the positon of being able to make a material difference to these businesses here today. The trick is for the Audience to be able to engage with the Entrepreneurs at the networking session today, as that is how we can make a difference to them.”

[email protected] is about us working together to support these great people and their great ideas. It is about us listening and enabling the businesses here today to be that much more successful.”

The nine winners were:

Kynd: Kynd matches and ‘empowers’ people needing care with local carers seeking flexible work, achieving disintermediation through mobile Apps, technology and smart personal data.

Sobah: Sobah produces premium non-alcoholic craft beer and other craft “adult” beverages infused with Australian Bush Tucker, an edible plant native to the Australian Bush.

PowerWells: PowerWells is a social impact start-up that aims to supply electric light and mobile phone charging to people living in remote communities.

IDU Identification: IDU Identification has developed a digital ID authenticator App that offers a safer and more convenient method for providing ID at licensed venues, as well as offering a new, advanced ID scanning system.

SKYGROW: SKYGROW plants trees faster, more safely and at a lower cost than any other business using fleets of “Growbots”, autonomous tree planting robots.

iStaySafe: iStaySafe combines its bespoke software platform with innovative hardware to offer personal tracking solutions via a Software as a Service business model.

Folk Tribe Clothing: Folk Tribe Clothing is an online fashion retailer with an emphasis on environmental and humanitarian sustainability.

UPTEK: UPTEK is a health technology company that has launched “AirBands”, a blood flow restriction training device.

SiteSee: SiteSee merges AI and reality modelling to solve real problems for infrastructure owners and operators.

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