Princess Beatrice gives a speech at the Education World Forum

On 22nd January 2019, Princess Beatrice gave a speech at the Education World Forum in London, which is the largest gathering of education and skills Ministers in the world.

“My hope, through the work you are doing is that we can find a way to give young people opportunities for a gift of equal chance instead of competition” – Princess Beatrice

Her Royal Highness, who has dyslexia, is Patron of several charities involved with education and learning which are dedicated to preparing young people flourish in the digital age.

In 2012, along with six friends, Princess Beatrice founded The Big Change Charitable Trust, to identify and support charitable projects throughout the UK that improve the lives of young people.

“Education is a gift that no-one can take away. You help to choose, form and wrap that gift – a significant responsibility and a phenomenal opportunity.”

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