The Duke with Professor Andy Parker, Head of Cavendish Laboratory and Professor Rob Kennicutt, Head of School of Physical Sciences at The University of Cambridge.
The Duke with Professor Andy Parker, Head of Cavendish Laboratory.
The Duke views the Splitting of the Atom exhibit at Cavendish Laboratory.
The Duke views Physical Science exhibits at Cavendish Laboratory.
The Duke views a model of the West Cambridge development plan.
The Duke hears about Post-Doctoral research being undertaken in the Quantum Mechanics Laboratory.
The Duke with Post-Doctoral students in the Quantum Mechanics Laboratory.
The Duke with Post-Doctoral students in the Quantum Mechanics Laboratory.
The Duke watches a demonstration in the Optoelectronics Laboratory.
The Duke is briefed on research undertaken by the Optoelectronics Laboratory.
The Duke views Printed Solar Cell Technology in the Optoelectronics Laboratory.
The Duke watches a demonstration of the effect of new states of matter on a magnet in the Quantum Matter Laboratory.
The Duke with Professor Malcolm Longair, Development Director at the Cavendish Laboratory, in the Quantum Matter Laboratory.