The Duke of York’s Office is aware of a number of fake accounts impersonating The Duke of York on social media.
Please be aware that the following are the only social media accounts used by The Duke of York:
Twitter: @TheDukeOfYork
Instagram: @hrhthedukeofyork
Facebook: @hrhthedukeofyork
LinkedIn: in/thedukeofyork
YouTube: /TheDukeOfYork is His Royal Highness’s only website.
A number of The Duke of York’s initiatives also have their own social media and websites:
[email protected]:
Twitter: @pitchatpalace
LinkedIn: company/pitch-palace
YouTube: /pitchatpalace
People’s Choice Website
The Duke of York’s Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA):
Twitter: @idea_award
Instagram: @ideaaward
Facebook: @ideaaward
The Duke of York’s Young Champions Trophy (DOYYCT):
Twitter: @DOYTrophy
Instagram: @doytrophy
Facebook: @DOYYCT
The Duke of York and his Office will never contact you directly on social media and ask for personal details, including financial. If you are contacted by an account that is not listed above, we recommend that you report the account immediately.
Find out more about reporting fake twitter accounts
Find out more about reporting fake Instagram accounts
Find out more about reporting fake facebook profiles
If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud, or have been in a situation where fraud could have occurred but didn’t, please report to ActionFraud. Reports can be submitted online or you can contact them on 0300 123 2040.
You can read The Royal Family’s Social Media community guidelines here.