Backing Youth Reception

Backing Youth Reception at Buckingham Palace

The Duke of York hosted a Backing Youth Reception at Buckingham Palace on 9th July, 2013 to raise the profile of 14 social enterprises to leading business figures within the UK. The Social Enterprises shared the common goal of supporting the United Kingdom’s young people.

HRH is Patron of The Place – London Contemporary Dance School, and their first and third year students performed a dance routine named Moments Past, and an extract from Gypsy Mixture for the guests. The Duke welcomed everyone and provided some background to the purpose and objectives of the Reception. HRH is Patron of Hackney UTC and their students made a short film on the Social Enterprises . The students achieved an incredible result given that they only had three weeks for filming and editing.

A number of the Social Enterprises at the Reception were accompanied by young people who have benefitted from their support. Two of these young people made moving speeches explaining how their lives had been turned around. They both talked about their challenging life experiences, and the importance of the enterprises in helping them, and others like them, take their lives forward.

After the Speeches all of the guests, young people and enterprises were able to network and discuss ways to support the UK’s young people.

The social enterprises represented at the Backing Youth Reception were:
•Blue Sky Development & Regeneration
•Business Gym Global
•City Gateway
•OnSide Youth Zones
•Principles in Finance
•Resurgo Trust
•Teens and Toddlers
•The SOS Gangs Project
•Tomorrow’s People
•Working Chance
•Working Rite

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