The Duke of York attended the iDEA Live Event at Telefonica, London on 12th February, 2015. The event was held for the final 20 teams to meet their industry mentors and practice their pitches ahead of the final on 27th April, 2015. HRH met with a number of the iDEA teams.
The Duke, in partnership with Nominet Trust, founded the inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA) in 2014 with the aim to improve the digital and enterprise skills of one million young people in the next five years. The programme was launched at Buckingham Palace in October, 2014 after a six month pilot scheme.
Find out more about iDEA Award:
Alternatively, follow the iDEA Award using @TheDukeOfYork, @idea_award and @nominettrust
See photos from the event here