Saudi Arabia – Day Three

The Duke began the day in Riyadh, calling on Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Education, HRH Prince Khalid bin Faisal Al Saud. After passing on the good wishes of their respective families, the two men discussed the importance and evolution of vocational education. To that end, UK providers are playing a continuing role in the creation of Colleges of Excellence in Saudi Arabia. The Duke also gave a summary of iDEA, his initiative to equip young Britons with digital and entrepreneurial skills.

From Riyadh, HRH travelled to the historic port city of Jeddah. There, The Duke paid a visit to the Bab Rizq Jameel Centre, which offers career advice, training and micro-finance to young Saudis, including those seeking to establish themselves as entrepreneurs. Touring the centre, HRH met young women who have made and are now marketing traditional handicrafts, including rugs and jewellery. Later, The Duke took part in a discussion forum in which new Saudi entrepreneurs described their experiences of setting out in business.

In the evening, HRH attended a reception at the UK Consulate in Jeddah, for British organisations and individuals who are providing vocational training in Saudi Arabia. The event was attended by local business leaders, who were encouraged to offer work placements to college students – echoing a key message of The Duke’s work on education in the UK.

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