City Academy Whitehawk visit Buckingham Palace

Year 6 students and teachers from City Academy Whitehawk, Brighton paid a special visit to Buckingham Palace on 26th June, 2015.

After hearing how hard the students had worked in the run up to their final exams, The Duke of York invited them to watch Changing of The Guard at Buckingham Palace and they received a guided tour around The Royal Mews.

Here’s what they thought:

“Watching the Changing of The Guard was beyond amazing; to have the privilege to be inside the gates of Buckingham Palace was fantastic” – Kevin

“I especially liked the magnificently decorated golden Coronation coach” – Moses

“I liked the horses because the Queen had named them after places she had been” – Stephanie

“Going through the gates was the most important part as it was a once in a lifetime opportunity” – Lily

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